Sunday, December 27, 2009


Why am i surrounded by so many idiots? My little sister is just plain dumb. first of all let me tell you what happened. Ever heard of that game sorrority life? Well i think its realy fun and they have these things called brownie points that cost money. Brownie points can get you a lot of cool stuff. But since i cant buy them evry day the website gives you a survey if you complete the survey they give you points but you only get one chance. Well yesterday i was working on a survey and i was almost done and my dad asked to show my mom a quick video. So i opened up a new tab and he pulled up the video, showed my mom, and laughed how it was so funny. The day before i showed him a video that was way funnier then the one he showed my mom so i joked around and told him that. So he said hahaha you think thats so funny and he closed the whole window. Then when i tried to pull it back up it wouldnt work. UGH!!!

So today i started a new survey while my little sisters were in the room. I told them dont touch anything while i went to the restroom. Then when i walked back into the room guess what i see. My ignorant little sister on the computer messing with the survey. So her being stupid she messed up the survey and i couldnt get the points AGAIN!!!!!!! I swear if i cant get my points tomorow someone is going to be seriously hurt. And i dont think i'm being immature i just think i'm surrounded by people who cant follow simple instructions. Like my father and my sister two dingbat brains.

UGH!!! This is my life with "iggies" ignorant people. Sigh... FML

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hear it or See it

I hate my younger sister with a passion she always makes me so mad. She does stuff that make me want to ring her neck. For example today: have you ever heard of that show lost tapes? Well the show freaks me out. I don't want to watch it or hear it. But they want to watch when i'm in the room. And they tell me to put the earphones in my ears but i can still hear it. My life with them is hell. I hate my sister sooooooooooo much. She is the devl. She does all this stuff to make me mad. And they know the stupid show gives them nightmares but no bevus and buthead continue to watch it. I know that the show scares me thats why i don't want to watch it but they get there way again. I hate them sooo much for that. They are always doing stupid shit like that. I hope both of them piss their pants for watching it. Ugh!!!!

So i went to tell my dad and he didn't do a darn thing. Even though both of them have been watching telivison all day. My dad said i could watch tv because they have been on it all day but i was trying to be nice so i said they could watch the tv they just had to watch something else. But know they get to watch something that i hate. This is stupid and my dad knows it's not right. But no, if they want to watch a show that is scary and i don't want to i have to put broken earphones in my ears and blast them so i don't hear the tv and that doents even work. I can still jhear the tv. I hate my life with these people. They are full of bs.

I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. UGH!!!! Life will never be fair with stupid kids like them. FML!!!!!!!

About Me

This journal has been something that all the kids at school wanted to read everyone knows its mine. I wanted to share it with someone so i figured i would share it with you. I have a very hectic life but it's a very interesting life. The pictures below are exerts of my life that tell you who I am. I will give you alot more info later but this is just a start. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading.